文 献
参 考 文 献 与 指 引
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可 持 续 资 源 网 站 , 《 绿 色 建 筑 和 可 持 续 建 筑 指 引 , 太 阳 能 热 水 丶 供 暖 和 制 冷 系 统 A Source Book for Green and Sustainable Building, Solar Hot Water, Heating and Cooling Systems 》
与 香 港 有 关 的 技 术 文 献 及 报 告
J. Ji, T. T. Chow and W. He, Dynamic performance of hybrid photovoltaic/thermal collector wall in Hong Kong, Building and Environment, Volume 38, Issue 11, November 2003, Pages 1327-1334.
K. H. Yeung, An Optimization Model for a Solar Hybrid Water Heating and Adsorption Ice-Making System, MPhil Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, the University of Hong Kong, 2003.
T.T. Chow, W. He and J. Ji, An experimental study of facade-integrated photovoltaic/water-heating system, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 27, Issue 1, January 2007, Pages 37-45.
T.T. Chow, K.F. Fong, A.L.S. Chan and Z. Lin, Potential application of a centralized solar water-heating system for a high-rise residential building in Hong Kong, Applied Energy, Volume 83, Issue 1, January 2006, Pages 42-54.