What are the major benefits of Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) thermal treatment with energy recovery?
Ans: |
Thermal treatment with energy recovery provides an alternative for waste management other than landfilling. It greatly reduces the volume of MSW to be disposed of in landfills. Besides, substantial amount of energy can be recovered in the treatment process. |
Will MSW thermal treatment with energy recovery cause air pollution?
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With advancements in technology, emission of atmospheric pollutants from thermal treatment facilities of latest design can be minimized to meet stringent emission standards. |
What are the advantages of MSW thermal treatment with energy recovery over landfilling?
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There are a number of advantages:
Thermal treatment can reduce the amount of MSW dumped in landfills, thus prolonging the life of the existing landfills.
Compared to landfills, thermal treatment plants require relatively small amount of land.
Thermal treatment plants do not produce methane emissions or leachates.
Are there any MSW thermal treatment facilities in Hong Kong?
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No. There isn't any at the moment. |
Can waste recycling be coupled with MSW thermal treatment?
Ans: |
It is possible to couple the recycling process with thermal treatment plants as a a pre-treatment step. Recyclable materials and materials with low energy content, for instance, can be separated from the organic contents and recovered. |