Solar Water Heating
Example Projects
List of Solar Water Heating (SWH) Projects
The lists given below (through hyperlinks) are not meant to be exhaustive. For the list of examples of government-funded projects, some smaller projects and latest projects are not included. For the list of examples of non-government projects, it is compiled from the Survey on Renewable Energy (RE) Installations, which started in late 2006, along with information gathered from other sources.
This link will open in a new windowlist of examples of government-funded SWH projects
This link will open in a new windowlist of examples of non-government SWH projects
The Survey on RE Installations is an on-going exercise. The survey questionnaire can be downloaded from the main page of Example Projects.
Some of the SWH projects are described below, with photos if available.
Braemar Hill Fire Station Solar Water Heating Installation
Total solar area for this installation is 80 square metres.
EMSD Headquarters Solar Water Heating Installation
Total solar area for this installation is about 60 square metres. Heat-pipe evacuated tube solar panels are used.
Solar Water Heating Installations at the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Location: University Gymnasium and Kwok's Sports Centre
Details: 20 x 6kW solar panels and 3 sets of 750-litre carolifiers are used for water heating and heat transfer for two buildings
Purpose: Hot water supply to four large changing rooms at two sport amenities buildings, sufficient for 250 users
Hot water storage: 2250L
Year of Installation: 2005
Remark: The carolifiers added to the system help to distribute heated water more evenly into two buildings
Link: This link will open in a new windowThis web page has hyperlinks which may transfer you to third-party website.
Solar Water Heating Installation at the King's College
Total solar area for this installation is about 44 square metres. Flat plate type solar panels are used.
Solar Water Heating Installations at the Hongkong International Terminals
Location: Tower 1 (TR 1)
Details: 2 sets of integral type solar water heaters
Purpose: for kitchen
Type of collectors: vaccum tube with heat pipe
Year of Installation: 2006
(Source: Hongkong International Terminals )
Location: Tower 4 (TR 4)
Details: 10 sets of solar collectors (area of each collector is about 2m2 )
Purpose: for shower
Type of collectors: vaccum tube with heat pipe
Year of Installation: 2007
(Source: Hongkong International Terminals)
Solar Water Heating Installations at Pak Sha Wan Correctional Institution
Location: Staff Barrack
Details: 40m2 of collector area
Purpose: for water pre-heating for existing town gas heating system
Type of collectors: vaccum tube with heat pipe
Year of Installation: 2008
Hong Kong Children's Hospital Solar Water Heating Installation
Location: Hong Kong Children's Hospital Tower A and B
Heating Capacity: 359 kW
Type of collectors: Evacuated Glass Tube
Year of Installation: 2018