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Other Renewable
Energy Technologies

Marine Renewables



What benefits can marine energy bring about?

Ans: Marine energy is a renewable source for producing electricity which does not result in the emission of greenhouse gases or pollutants, and the energy source is free.


Are there any facilities exploiting marine renewable energy in Hong Kong ?

Ans: No, there is no facility exploiting marine renewable energy in commercial-scale in Hong Kong.


Have any research projects been done on marine energy in Hong Kong?

Ans: The Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Hong Kong had conducted research projects on wave energy devices, and had tested prototypes in the Victoria Harbor. Besides, the Laboratory for Atmospheric Research of the City University of Hong Kong is going to set up a "wave energy collector".


Are there any environmental impacts from installing tidal power stations?

Ans: Changing tidal flows by damming a bay or estuary could result in negative impacts on aquatic and shoreline ecosystems, as well as navigation and recreation.


Why are ocean tides so different everywhere?

Ans: It is because ocean tides depend on many factors including the geometry of the local coastline, and the positions of the Sun and the Moon relative to the Earth. Also, like the surface of a vibrating drum, the world's oceans have vibratory modes that get stimulated in changing ways from minute to minute. Finally, there are storms at sea which can move large quantities of water.