Listed below are some sponsorship schemes operated by both public and private organizations. The schemes have different objectives, eligibility criteria and assessment criteria. Interested parties can make enquires or submit applications to the relevant organizations.
(a) Quality Education Fund (QEF)
Link: This link will open in a new windowThis web page has hyperlinks which may transfer you to third-party website.http://qef.org.hk/
The aim of QEF is to finance projects for the promotion of quality education in Hong Kong and the funding caters for non-profit making initiatives within the ambit of basic education, i.e. pre-primary, primary, secondary and special education. Some schools and education entities have successfully applied to QEF for installing Renewable energy (RE) systems like wind turbine and solar photovoltaic for education and demonstration purpose. Starting from 1 September 2006, applications to the QEF can be submitted throughout the year.
(b) The Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF) and the Woo Wheelock Green Fund (WWGF)
Link: This link will open in a new windowThis web page has hyperlinks which may transfer you to third-party website.http://ecf.gov.hk/en/
The ECF and the WWGF have been set up by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Wheelock & Co. to provide funding support for educational, research, technology demonstration and other projects and activities in relation to environmental and conservation matters, as well as community waste recovery projects. Funding applications are divided into three categories, i.e. 1) environmental research and technology demonstration projects; 2) community waste recovery projects and 3) environmental education and community action projects. RE projects can be funded under categories 1 and 3.
(c) Innovation & Technology Fund (ITF)
Link: This link will open in a new windowThis web page has hyperlinks which may transfer you to third-party website.http://www.itf.gov.hk/
The ITF aims to increase the added value, productivity and competitiveness of local economic activities. Through the ITF, Hong Kong companies could be encouraged and assisted to upgrade their technological level and introduce innovative ideas to their businesses.
(d) The Hongkong Electric Company Limited (HK Electric) Smart Power Services
Link: This link will open in a new windowThis web page has hyperlinks which may transfer you to third-party website.https://This link will open in a new windowwww.hkelectric.com/SPS-en
HK Electric has launched serveral smart power funding schemes including smart power building fund , education fund and care fund to further encourage the use of RE and promote energy efficiency and conservation (EE&C), RE schemes cover FiT Scheme and RE Certificates.
(e) CLP Power Hong Kong Limited (CLP) Powering a Smarter and Greener Tomorrow
Link: This link will open in a new windowThis web page has hyperlinks which may transfer you to third-party website.This link will open in a new windowhttps://www.clp.com.hk/en/business/low-carbon-solutions/renewable-energy
This link will open in a new windowThis web page has hyperlinks which may transfer you to third-party website.This link will open in a new windowhttps://www.clp.com.hk/en/residential/low-carbon-living
CLP has launched a number of new initiatives to encourage community participation in the development of RE and promote energy saving in order to embrace a low-carbon lifestyle. These initiatives include the FiT Scheme, RE Certificates , new CLP Eco Building Fund, Power Connect and Electrical Equipment Upgrade Scheme.