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Offshore Wind Farm

Example Projects


Horns Rev Offshore Wind Farm, Denmark

This is the first large-scale offshore wind farm in the world, constructed by Elsam in 2002. It comprises 80 numbers of 2MW wind turbines. Horns Rev Offshore Wind Farm is located in the North Sea 14 km west of Denmark.
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Nysted Offshore Wind Farm, Denmark

Being the world's largest offshore wind farm as of 2006, it comprises of 72 numbers of 2.3 MW wind turbines, in 8 rows of 9 turbines each. It is some 10 km from land to the turbines closest to the shore, and is owned by a joint venture of Energi E2, Dong and Sydkraft in 2003.
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North Hoyle Offshore Wind Farm. The text below describes the image.
North Hoyle Offshore Wind Farm


North Hoyle Offshore Wind Farm, UK

Built by Npower Renewables in 2003, the North Hoyle Offshore Wind Farm is located about 7 km off the North Wales coast between Rhyl and Prestatyn and comprises 30 wind turbines, each rated at 2 MW.
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Kentish Flats Offshore Wind Farm, UK

Commissioned in 2005, the Kentish Flats Offshore Wind Farm comprises 30 wind turbines, each rated at 3 MW. It is some 9 km from land to the turbines closest to the shore.
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