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Feed-in Tariff (FiT)



Hong Kong is a metropolitan city with a population of over seven million and a land area of about 1106 square kilometres. There are no indigenous energy resources such as oil, gas or coal and the city has been relying mainly on imported fossil fuels to meet its energy needs. Hong Kong’s energy consumption has been increasing driven by economic growth over the past decades. For the sustainable development of the territory, the Government has put in considerable efforts to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy in order to restrain the rise in energy demand.

This website was launched by the Energy Efficiency Office of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department. The purpose of this website is to provide public useful information on renewable energy (RE) technologies, so as to facilitate the wider adoption of such technologies in Hong Kong.

You can find on this website information on working principles, types, and application considerations for RE technologies. Information on some RE projects in Hong Kong, news/events relating to RE in Hong Kong, educational resources, frequently-asked-questions on RE, as well as information on some RE installation contractors in Hong Kong can also be found on this website.