Offshore Wind Farm
1) |
What are the benefits of buiding offshore wind farms? |
Ans: | Building a wind farm offshore will obviate the need to take up land space for the wind farm, particularly in places where land is a scarcity, like the case for Hong Kong. Since offshore wind farms are built in locations several kilometres away from where people live, the visual impact is relatively small. |
2) |
Will offshore wind farms cause adverse impacts to the marine life? |
Ans: |
Overseas studies indicate that offshore wind farms caused little impact on marine life. On the contrary, the undersea supporting structures of the wind turbines can serve as artificial reef to enhance the diversity of marine life around that area of the sea. Since fishing with trawlers are usually not allowed within the wind farm area, it also serves as a protection zone for fish. Interested persons can refer to Danish Energy Authority's publication "Offshore Wind Farms and the Environment - Danish Experiences from Horns Rev and Nysted" (November 2006) at the following address: This link will open in a new windowThis web page has hyperlinks which may transfer you to third-party website. ![]() |
3) |
How can the electricity of offshore wind farm be sent out to the grid? |
Ans: | For large offshore wind farms, the electrical output of each wind turbine is firstly connected to an offshore substation for the wind farm. The substation steps up the voltage and send the generated electricity of the whole offsore wind farm to the grid via submarine cables. |