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Other Renewable
Energy Technologies

Biomass CHP



Is the organic portion of MSW (municipal solid waste) suitable for biomass CHP technology?

Ans: Yes, thermal treatment such as combustion, gasification and pyrolysis can be applied to organic MSW, for CHP application. Further information on thermal treatment of MSW is given in the

Waste-to-energy - Thermal Treatment section of this website.



Can the heat recovered from CHP system be used to produce cooling?

Ans: Yes, with careful selection of technology, the heat recovered from a CHP plant can be used to power an absorption chiller to produce cooling. A demonstration unit has been built at the Mississippi State University MicroCHP Centre.


Is wood charcoal for BBQ and fuelwood regarded as biomass?

Ans: Wood charcoal and fuelwood are biomass. Through combustion, the chemical energy stored in wood charcoal and fuelwood is released in the form of heat and light energy.