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Small Wind Turbine

Resource Potential

Refer to materials under the following topics in the Large Wind Turbine - Resource Potential section for basic knowledge on wind resource of a location:

  • Average wind speed, median wind speed, modal wind speed
  • The Weibull shape parameter
  • Wind rose

A rough annual energy yield prediction facility has been provided in the Wind Resource Maps section of this website, for the case of single wind turbine. The wind resource maps provide estimates of the wind resource parameters within Hong Kong. However, it should be noted that such estimates are for reference only and inaccuracies are involved. Furthermore, the wind resource estimates are valid for the non-urban areas, and those for the urban areas are indicative only and should not be relied upon.

Wind resource maps are provided for elevations of 15m, 25m, 50m, 100m, and 125m above ground. For small wind turbines, the relevant map should be the 15m or 25m ones. Wind strength will fall when the wind turbine is installed closer to ground, due to wind shear effect.

Anyone desiring accurate annual energy yield prediction should carry out actual wind measurement himself. However, it should be noted that the cost of wind measurement will account for a high proportion of the total cost of a small wind turbine project. For this reason, some people may use an "informed judgement" approach (see Small Wind Turbine - Application Considerations section) to decide whether a location is suitable for installing a small wind turbine or not.