Marine Renewables
Example Projects
As there are no tidal or wave power projects in Hong Kong, the examples below are drawn from overseas projects for illustration purpose.
1) Tidal power station at La Rance, France
The La Rance Station in France is the only commercial-size tidal power station in the world. It is a 240 MW power station inaugurated in 1966 and has been operating successfully. It is equipped with twenty-four 10 MW units operating with 8.5 m tides. They are designed for double-effect operation.
2) Tidal power station at Zhejiang Province
China's first tidal power unit connected to grid in Zhoushan City, east China's Zhejiang Province (2020)
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3) Pelamis wave power station in Portugal
The world's first commercial-scale wave farm is being built (as at early 2007) 5 km off Portugal's northern coast. Three Pelamis P-750 machines (rated at 750 kW each) will be installed in the initial phase of the wave farm with total rated capacity of 2.25 MW. The project is developed by a consortium led by the Portuguese renewable energy company Enersis, and the Pelamis are supplied by the Scottish Company Ocean Power Delivery Ltd..
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